The format built for Viewability!

In-Read offers 50% Viewability across Mobile Web & Desktop. Join Playstream Video Marketplace to access accelerated ad revenue for your ad Inventory.
Access to Premium Content Library
Playstream has partnered with 100+ Content Creators to help SME Publishers enable Video Content + Monetization.
Powerful demand sources
Get access to Playstream Video Marketplace having demand for audience across the world. Proven to improve overall video ad revenue yield by 30% for some of the biggest publishers.

The secret to how publishers earn more from their ad inventory

Perfect mix of demand stack is the secret to efficient ad monetization. With our ad monetization, publishers can sit back and do what they are best at- Creating engaging Content!
Get Started Now

About In-Read format

Playstream powers Inread with a new look! The ad format not only enables advertisers but also leads to re-engagements for your website.
NET 28 Payments

One of the fastest paying Video platforms. We pay our publishers at NET 28, always!

Free Content Library

SME Publishers can avail Playstream content library with videos across all genres.

Choose as you go

Our format is completely customisable. Thus, design it the way you want to!

Dedicated Account Managers

Our Account Managers are always available to help you optimise, suggest and boost your ad revenues!.

HLS Streaming

Playstream uses HLS streaming to have Zero Latency and deliver a perfect video content delivery platform.

Trusted by premium publishers

Some of the worlds biggest publishers trust Playstream for Video Monetization.


Beautiful Design and Comfortable User Interface

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